It has been quite some time since the last post...
I got busy in Google AI challenge. Thought of sharing few of interesting games from there.
This list will be updated regularly. Have a look... if you are not already challenging your coding skills in here, after seeing at some of these battles, you might want to check it out!
Few things to note :
1) Use the green filter at your left hand side to view the game as the bot would have seen it. Even though we can see the whole map, bots can see areas only within a radius from their own ants.
2) 2 Points are awarded for every kill while only 1 point for a new spawn. No bonus for remaining with the larger army at the end!
3) List seems to getting longer, I will crop away most of these games and will leave only the most elegant ones here.
4) If you have any beautiful games, feel free to comment the links and I will include them in here. :-)
5) Note on Dec 9th. Old games were taken out from the beta site now that the official tournament is on. So I removed those links and including real games from the official competition.
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